This is a list of reviews and articles on my shows:
Tics, or Doing the Deed by René Berton (The Flea Theater, NYC)
“The Best of the Grand Guignol” by James Armstrong, January 16, 2015
“Grand Guignol” by James Armstrong, September 24, 2014
The Giants of the Mountain by Pirandello (Theaterlab, New York City)
“A Giant Success: A Staged Reading of The Giants of the Mountain” by Samantha Costanzo Burrier, PSA (Pirandello Society Annual), XXVI (2013), 131-37. Click here to read the full review.
The Liar by Carlo Goldoni (Kline Theatre, Gettysburg College)
“The Liar premieres tomorrow night” by Jen Bray, The Gettysburgian, 16 April 2009.
La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi (Teatro del Tempo)
“Dinner with Violetta – Novel and Melodrama at the Teatro del Tempo” by Valeria Ottolenghi, La Gazzetta di Parma, 15 February 2001.;
“An Original Traviata at the Teatro del Tempo”, La Gazzetta di Parma, 10 February 2001.
“Between Verdi and Dumas”, La Gazzetta di Parma, February 6, 2001.
“A ‘reduced’ Traviata ”, by Maria Cristina Maggi, La Gazzetta di Parma, 31 January 2001.
“La Traviata between Dumas and Verdi”, La Gazzetta di Parma, 26 January 2001.
The Two Gentlemen of Verona, adapted from Shakespeare
“Numeriprimi Rich with Ideas with Music by Marco Caronna” by Valeria Ottolenghi, La Gazzetta di Parma, 3 December 2000.
“Dream of a Night at the Theatre – Verses by Poet Shakespeare”, by Benny Adimson, Parma and Parma, 29 November 2000.
“It’s a Laboratory Play” and “With Passion and Fun”, La Gazzetta di Parma, 28 November 2000.
“The Two Gentleman with Allegri and Boselli” by Maria Cristina Maggi, La Gazzetta di Parma, 27 November 2000.
“Two Shakespearean ‘Gentlemen’”, La Gazzetta di Parma, 23 November 2000.
“For Shakespeare Nearly a Musical”, La Gazzetta di Parma, 15 November 2000.
The Giants of the Mountain by Pirandello (Teatro del Tempo, Parma)
“Pirandello Fascinated Students” by Maria Cristina Maggi, La Gazzetta di Parma, 23 October 2000.
Màcbèth, adapted from Shakespeare
“Màcbèth”, by Ruggero Rastelli, Il Giornale, 26 March 1998.
“Shakespearean Pre-visions with Young Actors and Directors”, la Repubblica, 19 March 1998.
“Young Directors Experiment with Shakespeare”, ViviMilano, March 1998.
“Macbeth on Stage for MFA Thesis Production”, Corriere della Sera, 19 March 1998.
“Young Directors Meet Shakespeare”, by Alessandra Cattaneo, Corriere della Sera, 19 March, 1998.
Miracles by Alessandro Rossi
“‘Target’ and ‘trendy’, Shoo!” Panorama, Year XXXIV, 40 – October 9, 1997.
“Movimenti Maldestri” by Lina Sotis, Corriere della Sera, October 28, 1997.