Paper: “Catastrophe for Whom?: Posthuman Ecologies in Bontempelli’s Hedge to the North-West.”

Paper: “Catastrophe for Whom?: Posthuman Ecologies in Bontempelli’s Hedge to the North-West.”

For the 2022 ASTR Conference, on November 5, I chaired a virtual Working Session with my colleague and co-editor Sarah Lucie, on the same topic of our forthcoming collection Revealing Posthuman Encounters in Performance.
I also presented the paper “Catastrophe for Whom?: Posthuman Ecologies in Bontempelli’s Hedge to the North-West,” in which I sought to point out more numerous non-human actors in the play than Bontempelli’s magical realism already envisions.


Stebos is a stage director, producer, and dramaturg, based in Las Vegas and New York City in the United States.

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