Podcasts: Pirandello ON AIR

Podcasts: Pirandello ON AIR

Between January and April, I will participate in two Zoom/Facebook livestreams: the first will be an introduction to the Pirandello Society of America, “Meet the PSA: Pirandello in the 21st Century” (January 22 at 12 pm EST) and the second will be a lecture on “Staging, Performing , and Directing Pirandello” in which I will focus on Pirandello in Argentina (April 2nd, 12 pm EST). For updates and a link to these events you can follow the PSA Facebook page. The full program of Pirandello ON AIR is here.


Stebos is a stage director, producer, and dramaturg, based in Las Vegas and New York City in the United States.

Stebos has 47 posts and counting. See all posts by Stebos

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