Call for Pirandellian Dramaturgies

Call for Pirandellian Dramaturgies

PSA, the Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, seeks submissions of short dramatic pieces (5 to 30 minutes of expected performance time) inspired by the theatre and literary works of Luigi Pirandello, for publication in the next or future issues and potential production. Scripts should be previously unpublished and unproduced.

An essential requirement is that proposed contributions both reinterpret and clearly reference a specific work or more by Pirandello, be it a play, short story, novel, or essay. The connection could take several forms: development or updating of an existing scene/play by Pirandello, background on a character demonstrated through monologue or dialogue, theatre within the theatre, transformation for different media or site-specific performance, dramatization of a prose piece, dialogue between characters from different works, alternative endings, alternative casting, engagement with a contemporary issue, etc.

Accepted scripts will be considered for actual production, either digitally or as staged reading/full performance in the context of a post-pandemic Pirandello festival.

Proposals related to Six Characters in Search of An Author should be e-mailed by March 15, 2021 to and, if accepted, will be published on the next thematic issue (XXXIII, 2020); all others will be scheduled for publication in the following issue (XIV, 2021).


Stebos is a stage director, producer, and dramaturg, based in Las Vegas and New York City in the United States.

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