Come Back (Via Five Stage Approach) by Michelle Levy

Come Back (Via Five Stage Approach) by Michelle Levy

For the author and performer Michelle Levy, “Come Back… marks the return to a stalled artistic research project I had been pursuing about my father, named (by him) ‘The Comeback.’ This current investigation has two narratives. The first is the story of Ron “Lucky” Levy, a once successful motivational salesman who has, sadly fallen down on his luck. The second is my process of sharing the story with the help of a tool named (by me) ‘The Five Stage Approach to Creating an Effective Artistic Experience.’ Through a series of small performance ‘focus groups’ organized over the past five months, I have been collectively revisiting a brief ‘comeback'”

In my role of dramaturg I participated to the focus group performances and advised on the overall dramaturgical structure of this biographical monodrama that drew upon archival research and technology to reactivate a dialogue between daughter and father.

The show was presented at the Abrons Arts Center and Theaterlab in May 2015. For the show’s program, click here.


Stebos is a stage director, producer, and dramaturg, based in Las Vegas and New York City in the United States.

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